Goodbye Flash – unfinished game drafts

So, flash started dying and most developers migrated to either HTML5 or Unity\Unreal gamedev. As a farewell to all the fun times I had with flash – I wanna show you a collection of drafts I did in flash, that didn’t become a full game.

  1. No More Rockets
    Did you play Missile Command or Worms?

    Well, I wanted to mix the destructible terrain from Worms and intercepting missiles mechanic from MC into a new game. Together with an artist we created this prototype:

    It was going to be a game about your immune system defending against evil bacteria. You control the blue little guy with WASD + LMB to shoot your gun, also you have 4 turrets, that fire slow AoE missiles when you press space. I coded the destructible ground and it was a fun challenge, but it didn’t go any further, because both of us had lacked free time and vision on how to wrap this into a full game.
    You can play No More Rockets here.
  2. Chebureki
    A joke game about Oleg Blokhin. Somebody threw a belyash at him once, so my friend offered to make a short joke game about it.
    I used it as an opportunity to learn Box2D – a physics engine for Flash.

    This allowed me to make a complex hitbox for chebureki (half-circle) and outline of our character, which resulted in opportunity to of hilarious stacking:

    You can play Chebureki here.
  3. WarTD
    A dropped attempt to develop a World War themed tower defence game.
    The artist provided great-looking renders of 3D map, turrets, enemies and explosion animations, it could be a great game, but we ran out of motivation fast. I enjoyed the challenge of using OOP to program enemy logic, so that we could place waypoints in a visual editor and enemies would turn left\right when they step on it.

    You can play WarTD here.
  4. Crane Master
    Another experiment with Box2D, kind of inspired by those Crane Machines where you could win toys.
    Notice how the guy in the crane is moving his hands when you move the crane, the sawmill animation in the background and the rope physics.
    Once again – fun mechanic to develop and mess around with, but didn’t find a way to make a full game out of it.

    You can play Crane Master here. Controls are WASD+Space.
  5. ILoveMyBox
    Yet another effort to create a physics-based game. This was planned to be a platformer about a cat who loves boxes. (Box design inspired by Companion Cube from Portal ♡)

    You can play ILoveMyBox here. Left click to spawn\drag boxes. WASD to move. Warning: jumping doesn’t work.
  6. Conveyor Survival
    Yet another try to game a game based on physics. The idea was that you’re on a conveyor and need to survive as long as possible. I didn’t work long before dropping this one, as you can see.

    You can play Conveyor Survival here.

While we’re on the topic of 2d physics-based games: I’d like to recommend “Stick Fight: The Game”. It has a lot of levels, great physics, and it’s a fun to spend some time if you have 2+ gamepads and a 1+ gamer (girl)friends.

Thanks for reading, if you got this far!

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